Do Next
This section highlights the problem set and Level Set Assessmentsthe student needs to work on next. This increases productivity as the student is pointed to what needs to be done without getting lost in a list of assignments. A color-coded dial with a pointer indicates the mastery level of the student on the DO NEXT skill. The students will be encouraged to see this pointer tipping towards green as they increase the level of their mastery. All these are features to support student awareness of their own progress, monitoring their growth, and reflection on their learning. The "Do Next" order also includes due dates. The next due assignment would always be at the top of the order. If no due dates are assigned then it is based on the order assigned. Because the time stamps include hundredths of a second, the program will order them based on assignment times. When using auto-assign, the timestamps will differ in the hundredths place.
Under Assignments are organized around 4 categories
In each category, the students can sort the problems by clicking SORT. Problems are sorted by the date assigned.
- Type: ASSIGNED, LEVELSET, PREREQ. The prerequisites are not in a section by themselves, they are attached to the skill that is called the prerequisite and in purple.
- Start/End: When the skill/problem set was assigned (Start) and when is the due date (End). When teachers assign a skill/problem set they should include both a start date and an end date for each set. Doing this will help the student prioritize their work and stay focused on the most relevant problem set.
- Completed: The number of problems completed in the set.
- Mastery: The mastery level on this skill/problem set.
In Progress
Problem sets that the students started. If a student runs out of problems without reaching mastery, the problem set would still remain here. The teacher would then need to reset it. This is also where you would see any prerequisites that have been assigned. They live with the problem that is assigned to them.
To Do
Problem sets that the teacher assigned or that have been auto-assigned after LevelSet. This section will never include prerequisites.
Problem sets on skills that they have mastered (reached 90% mastery). Notice that a student can master a problem set without completing the recommended prerequisite skill. The student still has access to work on any of the skills in the Mastered section.
All completed LevelSets will be shown in this section.
Problem sets that were assigned by the teacher, but their due dates have passed. The student does not have access to work on these problems. However, the teacher can always change the due dates to make these problems available to the students.