Description of Levels I-IV
Level I (Falls Far Below)
Students performing at this level have minimal or no academic performance indicating an understanding and little display of the knowledge and skills included in state and national content standards. Students performing at this standard are not on track for likely success in the next grade or course.
Level II (Approaches)
Students performing at this level have marginal/inconsistent academic performance indicating a partial understanding and limited display of the knowledge and skills included in state and national content standards. Students performing at this standard may be on track for likely success in the next grade or course with additional supports.
Level III (Meets)
Students performing at this level have satisfactory academic performance indicating a solid understanding and display of the knowledge and skills included in state and national content standards. Students performing at this standard are on track for likely success in the next grade or course.
Level IV (Exceeds)
Students performing at this level have competent/superior academic performance indicating an advanced/in-depth understanding and exemplary display of the knowledge and skills included in state and national content standards. Students performing at this standard are on track for success in the next grade or course
Grade | Level I | Level II | Level III | Level IV |
0 | EM120Q & Below | EM115Q to 35Q | 40Q to 260Q | 265Q & Above |
1 | 105Q & Below | 110Q to 255Q | 260Q to 450Q | 455Q & Above |
2 | 280Q & Below | 285Q to 440Q | 445Q to 630Q | 635Q & Above |
3 | 440Q & Below | 445Q to 595Q | 600Q to 805Q | 810Q & Above |
4 | 545Q & Below | 550Q to 720Q | 725Q to 935Q | 940Q & Above |
5 | 640Q & Below | 645Q to 830Q | 835Q to 1030Q | 1035Q & Above |
6 | 730Q & Below | 735Q to 915Q | 920Q to 1100Q | 1105Q & Above |
7 | 815Q & Below | 820Q to 990Q | 995Q to 1155Q | 1160Q & Above |
8 | 890Q & Below | 895Q to 1050Q | 1055Q to 1205Q | 1210Q & Above |
9 | 965Q & Below | 970Q to 1105Q | 1110Q to 1255Q | 1260Q & Above |
10 | 1025Q & Below | 1030Q to 1155Q | 1160Q to 1310Q | 1315Q & Above |
11 | 1065Q & Below | 1070Q to 1200Q | 1205Q to 1390Q | 1395Q & Above |
12 | 1085Q & Below | 1090Q to 1230Q | 1235Q to 1425Q | 1430Q & Above |
Table for 5 level Performace Standard (Florida).
Level I
Students at this level demonstrate a far below satisfactory level of success with the challenging content of the Florida Standards
Level II
Students at this level demonstrate a below satisfactory level of success with the challenging content of Florida Standards
Level III
Students at this level demonstrate a satisfactory level of success with the challenging content of the Florida Standards
Level IV
Students at this level demonstrate a above satisfactory level of success with the challenging content of the Florida Standards
Level V
Students at this level demonstrate a mastery level of success with the challenging content of the Florida Standards
Grade | Level I | Level II | Level III | Level IV | Level V |
0 | EM400Q & Below | EM390Q to EM120Q | EM115Q to 35Q | 40Q to 260Q | 265Q & Above |
1 | EM220Q & Below | EM215Q to 105Q | 110Q to 255Q | 260Q to 450Q | 455Q & Above |
2 | EM20Q & Below | EM15Q to 280Q | 285Q to 440Q | 445Q to 630Q | 635Q & Above |
3 | 155Q & Below | 160Q to 440Q | 445Q to 595Q | 600Q to 805Q | 810Q & Above |
4 | 295Q & Below | 300Q to 545Q | 550Q to 720Q | 725Q to 935Q | 940Q & Above |
5 | 400Q & Below | 405Q to 640Q | 645Q to 830Q | 835Q to 1030Q | 1035Q & Above |
6 | 505Q & Below | 510Q to 730Q | 735Q to 915Q | 920Q to 1100Q | 1105Q & Above |
7 | 595Q & Below | 600Q to 815Q | 820Q to 990Q | 995Q to 1155Q | 1160Q & Above |
8 | 670Q & Below | 675Q to 890Q | 895Q to 1050Q | 1055Q to 1205Q | 1210Q & Above |
9 | 735Q & Below | 740Q to 965Q | 970Q to 1105Q | 1110Q to 1255Q | 1260Q & Above |
10 | 795Q & Below | 800Q to 1025Q | 1030Q to 1155Q | 1160Q to 1310Q | 1315Q & Above |
11 | 830Q & Below | 835Q to 1065Q | 1070Q to 1200Q | 1205Q to 1390Q | 1395Q & Above |
12 | 850Q & Below | 855Q to 1085Q | 1090Q to 1230Q | 1235Q to 1425Q | 1430Q & Above |