Schools that integrate with Canvas will need to have students login to Achieve3000 Math with their school or district email. If the student's email is the same across all school integrations/platforms, then they can login to Achieve3000 Math through any method to join the teacher's class. Here are two ways for students to login, if they want to login through Canvas.
Option 1
STEP 1: Select "courses" from the left panel
STEP 2: Select "Achieve3000 Math"
- If this is your first time logging in, you will need to authorize Achieve3000 Math access to your account.
STEP 3: Click on the Achieve3000 Math logo
Option 2
STEP 1: Select "Courses"
STEP 2: Click on "assignments"
STEP 3: Click on an assignment
STEP 4: Click on Achieve3000 Math logo
- If this is your first time logging in, you will need to authorize Actively Learn.