Teachers can check students' progress through standards and identify areas of support for students. If teachers see students are struggling, they can assign prerequisites to help students. Currently, all report date range is set to the current school year (Aug-July).
Mastery progress
View student progress through Mastery and number of problems solved in parentheses. For our report to show Mastery data, students need to have answered at least 5 questions. Otherwise, "insufficient data" will be displayed. Click on expand to see charts.
Prerequisites are automatically assigned to students.
View assigned prerequisites by clicking on the student's name. Mastery and progress for each prerequisite.
Under activity, teachers can activity details for each student.
- Last login
- Time Spent
- Solution watched
- Hints viewed
- Assigned
- Mastered
- Problems Solved
Quantile® measure
Quantile measure is based on LevelSet assessments assigned to students at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. Scores are calculated by MetaMetrics. Teachers can also view each student's Quantile measure. Learn more
Next to each score will be the date the assessment was completed and the time spent. Teachers will also be able to see student Quantile growth over the school year in the last column.
Auto-assign problem sets after students complete LevelSet Assessments
Turn on auto-assign to have problem sets automatically assigned once students complete a LevelSet Assessments. Students will be assigned problem sets after mastering an auto-assigned problem set.