- Concept Mastery meter. This updates after every question
- Progress through problem set
- Text-to-speech and translation menu
- Problem
- Multiple choice answers
- Step-by-step help
Step by step
If students are struggling, they can click "Take it Step by step" which will breakdown the problem in small steps.
If students submit an incorrect answer, they will also see the option to take it step by step.
Step by step view
- Number of problems and progress.
- Show original problem.
- Some problems will have videos for extra help.
- If students are stuck on the current step, they can show hints.
- Submit response for that step and move on to the next question.
Show problem
Show problem button will bring up the original problem, with the answer selected, and the option to restart the problem.
Show videos
Some steps might have videos as extra help and may have multiple videos, too.
Students will also have the option show hints that will breakdown the current step further.