Under My Class Data, the students see a list of the skills that they worked on during the current school year.
It is amazing that the students have access to this level of data reporting. This drives student reflection on their own learning and supports student reflection on their growth. The students partner with the teacher in monitoring their data, taking ownership of steering their engagement in Achieve Math towards impact and success.
The students see their Quantile® measure, the number of problems attempted, correctly solved, the number of steps attempted, the solutions watched, hints viewed, total time spent, and skills mastered out of the total assigned.
With this level of data access, the students see patterns in how they engage with Achieve Math. For example, they correlate the number of skills mastered with the number of hints viewed, solution watched, or steps attempted. They can check on whether the time spent in Achieve Math was productive and moved them in the number skills mastered. Students can start setting growth goals for themselves, for example, the number of skills mastered in a month and to which Quantile level they need to reach by the end of the semester or year. This data access is also part of their growth in reading charts and numbers and linking those to real-life situations.
The students see a visual of how they’re progressing towards mastery of any of the skills. This is similar to what their teacher sees. Conversations are encouraged between teacher and students on understanding what these mastery paths mean and what strategies are needed to make sure 90% and above mastery levels have been reached. Also, the students need to understand the color coding (similar to the color coding used in the mastery dial under the
0%-59% Beginning, Red
60%-79% Developing, Light Red
80%-89% Approaching, Light Green
90%-100% Mastery, Dark Green
The students can sort the Mastery Paths table by Mastery (this will bring the skills mastered to the top) or by Skills (this will sort the skills alphabetically.
Question data
When hovering on any circle on the mastery path, the students see the problem number, the mastery level after completing that problem, the time they spent on solving the problem, and on what date.
When clicking on the circle, the student sees all the details related to the path they took to solving the problem, the attempts, the steps, and their answers on each step. This wealth of information trains the students to be intentional in how they approach each problem. They will see the value of the steps and the hints. The number of mindless clicks will decrease as every click is documented and is a date point along their path to mastery.
In the Class Data list of assignments, any that were prerequisites also contain the sending skill name.