Administrators can export the administrator reports to get a more in-depth look into their students' data. Admins can select specific date ranges for their reports with our date range picker. Note that the date range filter will only apply to columns AD through AU, see below for additional details.
The following list provides information on each column in the table. Note that student names will appear on the list after they have logged into the product and viewed at least one problem.
The first 4 columns of the report are district level identifiers which will not be impacted by a date range. Some fields may be blank if information is not provided by the district. For example, when the district has not provided student IDs and/or is not using Clever.
A - District Name
B - District ID
C - External Student ID
D - Clever ID
The next 9 columns are student identifiers which will not be impacted by a date range. Fields such as School ID and/or Co-Teacher may be blank.
E - Student Last Name
F - Student First Name
G - Username
- Typically, this is an email address.
H - School Name
I - School ID
J - Student GradeLevel
- This is the grade entered by the student on first login or grade associated with the student if rostered by the district.
K - Teacher Name(s)
- Multiple teacher names will appear for students who are enrolled in more than one class.
L - Co-Teacher Name(s)
- This column will be blank if there is no co-teacher for the class(es) or it may contain multiple teacher names if applicable.
M - Class Name (list)
- Multiple class names will appear for students who are enrolled in more than one class.
The next 16 columns provide data from Level Sets OR NWEA data, not both. Districts/Schools must choose to use either Level Set or NWEA data. Information from two data sources cannot be accommodated on a report. All information provided on the report is for the current school year and will not be impacted by a change to the date range.
N - Number of Levelsets/NWEAs Taken
O - Date of First Levelset/NWEA
- The date format has been corrected for all date fields.
P - Name of First Levelset/NWEA
Q - First Quantile Score
R - First Quantile Level
- This is a number from 1 to 4 (or 5 in some states). Details on the meaning of the levels is state specific and can be found in the info button in the product.
S - Date of Second Levelset/NWEA
T - Name of Second Levelset/NWEA
U - Second Quantile Score
V - Second Quantile Level
W - Growth from Levelset1 to Levelset2/NWEA1 to NWEA2
- Growth is automatically calculated for each student. Note that growth is most accurate when the first assessment is a Beginning of the Year (BOY) assessment, and the second assessment is a Middle of the Year (MOY) assessment from the same grade/content Level. These assessments should be given approximately 50 to 60 school days apart for best results.
Students should take 3 LevelSet/NWEA assessments per school year. For students who have taken only one assessment the information (columns O,P,Q,R) will be repeated as the latest assessment information (columns X,Y,Z,AA). Similarly, after students have taken two assessments information from the second assessment (columns S,T,U,V) will be repeated in the latest assessment information (columns X,Y,Z,AA). After students have completed 3 assessments, the information in the latest columns will be unique. If students take more than 3 assessments, information for only the first, second, and latest assessments will be retained.
X - Date of Latest Levelset/NWEA
Y - Name of Latest Levelset/NWEA
Z - Latest Quantile Score
AA - Latest Quantile Level
AB - Growth from Levelset1 to Latest/NWEA1 to Latest
- Growth is measured over the entire school year.
AC - End of Year Forecast
- This column will be blank for students in grades in states where there is no end-of-year assessment.
The remaining columns will be impacted by the chosen date range. Administrators can set the date range to correspond to a day, week, grading period, semester, or any selected range. Teachers should be aware that if a problem set is unassigned from a student, all data associated with that problem set is also removed from the data. This includes time spent in the product, number of problems completed, etc.
AD - #Problems Completed in all Problem Sets
- This number includes problems completed from teacher assigned problem sets, auto assigned problem sets, and prerequisite problem set.
AE - Problem Sets Mastered #
- This number includes teacher assigned and auto-assigned problem sets. It does not include prerequisites that have been mastered, they are counted in a different column.
AF - Problem Sets Mastered (List)
- This is a list of the names of these problem sets.
AG - Problem Sets Attempted, Not Mastered #
- This number includes teacher assigned and auto-assigned problem sets. It does not include prerequisites that have been mastered, they are counted in a different column.
AH - Problem Sets Attempted, Not Mastered (list)
- This is a list of the names of these problem sets.
AI - Problem Sets Assigned and not Attempted #
- This number includes teacher assigned and auto-assigned problem sets. It does not include prerequisites that have been assigned, they are counted in a different column.
AJ - Problem Sets Assigned and not Attempted list
- This is a list of the names of these problem sets.
AK - Problem Sets Closed #
- Problem sets are closed after the due date is passed. Teachers can reopen them by changing the due date.
AL - Problem Sets Closed list
- This is a list of the names of these problem sets.
AM - Prerequisites suggested #
- This is the number of prerequisites that have been suggested.
AN - Prerequisites mastered #
- This is the number of prerequisites that have been mastered.
AO - Instructional videos viewed #
- This is the number of instructional videos the student has watched. The instructional videos are the overview videos included at the start of a problem. These videos address the concepts of the problem set and do not necessarily address the exact content of the problem.
AP - Solution Videos Viewed #
- This is the number of solution videos the student has watched. Solution videos are available in the last step of a problem for students to review if they have had a difficult time solving a particular problem.
AQ - Hints Viewed #
- This is the number of hints the student has viewed while working on steps.
AR - Total Time in product (min)
- This counts the number of minutes a student works in the product starting when the student loads a problem/step and stops when the submit button is clicked. Inactive time in the product such as time spent working on scrap paper is not discarded. However, students are logged out automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity.
AS - #logins
- Counts the number of times student logs into the product. Note that it is possible for a student to login, review their data pages and not work on any problems. In that case the login is counted but no time in product would be accrued.
AT - First login date
- This date will be the first login within the selected date range.
AU - Last login date
- This date will be the last login within the selected date range.